What’s it all About, Alfie?

I saw the original version of the film with this title. You may have seen the 2004 remake. It’s about a self-centred, uncaring and promiscuous young man who lives his life without respect or consideration for the women he uses and abuses in different ways. In order to continue living his life to please only himself, Alfie rationalises and justifies his very poor choices.  The inevitable downfall happens when he is shocked into reality by the sight of something that horrifies him to his core. Alfie cannot help but see that his choices led to this. Later, he turns to the camera and asks, “What’s it all about?”  It is at this moment that the viewer connects to Alfie.  For who hasn’t stood in Alfie’s shoes?  Who hasn’t experienced those deep, dark thoughts that leave us feeling lost and alone? Who hasn’t asked, “What’s it all about?”

It is the same question that every human asks at least once in their lifetime.  You may have just asked it.  It may be why you are reading this very sentence right here and right now.  If you decide to find your answer to the question, you are making the choice to embark on your own hero’s journey.  A journey that may lead you from fate to destiny, from where you are now to transformation.

Choices have power.  Immense power. 

